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Why I won’t contest election at any level again – Sen. Goje



Former governor of Gombe state and Chairman, Senate Committee on Marine Transport, Senator Mohammed Danjuma Goje, of the All Progressives Congress, APC, Gombe Central has finally withdrawn from politics, saying he will not contest in any election at any level.

Goje wins Gombe Central Senatorial seat(Opens in a new browser tab)

Speaking during an empowerment programme, tagged, ” Goje Empowerment Programme” at the Pantami, Stadium, Gombe state, Goje who noted that he would however remain in politics, said, ” Therefore, having contested and won all seven elections in addition being a Minister for the country, I strongly believe that Allah (SWT) has been extremely kind to me . I believe not many Nigerians are so lucky and blessed.

“It is in this light foregoing and having reached an advanced age, I wish to formally inform you that I have decided not to contest any election again. For the avoidance of doubt , I will not contest any election at all levels. ”

The former governor who noted that he would give younger ones opportunity to also grow and show case their God given talent especially in this digital age, said, “However, this does not mean that I will retire from politics far from that , I will continue to be active card carrying member of the APC and participate in all political activities at all levels except that I will not contest ”

Goje who recalled how he ventured into politics, said, ” I have had rare opportunity of contesting and wining seven elections conducted at various National Electoral Commission .

“In the second Republic during Shagari’s government, as a very young man , I contested and won election into the Bauchi state House of Assembly, in 1998 , I also contested and won election as a Senator for Gombe Central Senatorial district under defunct UNCP during Abacha’s regime.

“I then in 2003 contested and won the governorship election of Gombe state , I was reelected in 2007, in 2011, 2015 and 2019, I contested and won three senatorial elections for Gombe Central Senatorial district.”

Thanking the people of his constituents, Goje said , I have every reason to thank Allah (SWT), the people of my primary constituency (Pindiga Emirate), Akko Loca\ Government, Gombe State and indeed the entire country for giving me the very rare opportunity to rise from “grass to grace” as is commonly said.

He said he would continue to support Gombe State Governor, Muhammad Inuwa Yahaya and his government.